Set in New York City's gritty East Village, the revolutionary rock opera RENT tells the story of a group of bohemians struggling to live and pay...
Rent: Filmed Live on Broadway
Inspired by the true-life experience of its star George Takei, Allegiance follows one family's extraordinary journey in this untold American story...
This program is set among excerpts of letters and archival interviews with George Gershwin and his brother and lyricist Ira Gershwin, his longtime...
George Gershwin: Bidin' My Time
60 years ago, on May 3, 1960, at the tiny Sullivan Street Playhouse in Greenwich Village, The Fantasticks opened on the sparsest of budgets and ran...
Tom Jones & Harvey Schmidt: Simple Little Things
Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens is a celebration of the lives lost to AIDS told in free-verse monologues with a blues, jazz and rock...
Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens
The groundbreaking works of Richard Rodgers, most famously in his collaborations with Lorenz Hart and Oscar Hammerstein II, gave us the foundation of...
Rodgers, Rodgers & Guettel: Statues and Stories
As a celebration of our performers, and the necessary medium of film to tell these stories at this moment in time, this special program presents some...
The Theme From...: Songs Written for Film
It is said that Jule Styne published over 1,500 songs in his lifetime, a staggering number that spans decades and includes dozens of collaborators....
Jule Styne and His Many Lyricists: Distant Melody
A quarter century ago, Jonathan Larson’s groundbreaking musical, RENT, opened at New York Theatre Workshop. From its humble beginnings at NYTW,...
25 Years of Rent: Measured in Love
Join the American Pops Orchestra and Music Director Luke Frazier to pay tribute to the unforgettable male characters and beloved songs that have...
Broadway’s Leading Men: A Musical Celebration