This film follows a retired Border Patrol agent (Dante) as he discovers the possible existence of Bigfoot and the shroud of darkness that surrounds...
Bigfoot: The Conspiracy
The film follows criminal justice reform advocate Kemba Smith, a woman charged as a co-conspirator to her college boyfriend's drug-trafficking crimes...
Massachusetts, 1892. An unmarried woman of 32 and a social outcast, Lizzie lives a claustrophobic life under her father's cold and domineering...
A workaholic hospital director is forced to re-examine her rigid lifestyle when a free-wheeling EMS pilot enters her life.
Love Takes Flight
In her pursuit to synthesize a breakthrough stem-cell based treatment for lymphatic cancer, a clinical researcher takes up her assistant's offer to...
After serving time for murder, Josh Hutton returns to his home town where he meets Audry Hugo. No one can remember exactly what Josh did...
The Unbelievable Truth
After being thrown away from home, pregnant high school dropout Maria meets Matthew, a highly educated and extremely moody electronics repairman. The...
While serving as a juror in a high profile murder trial, family man Justin Kemp finds himself struggling with a serious moral dilemma…one he...
Juror #2
In this dark comedy, an idealistic young man volunteers at a crisis counseling center staffed by a group of con artists, low lifes, and misfits and...
Good Grief Suicide Hotline