Set in 2020 in the Shibuya neighborhood of Tokyo, the story revolves around Hachi, a boy who fled to the Japanese capital from his hometown of...
Problem student Haru Yoshida sits next to the cold and studious Shizuku Mizutani in class. Without any other friends to turn to, both of them start...
My Little Monster
Japanese LGBT-themed drama about the romance between two co-workers: the boy finds out his girlfriend has feelings for another woman, and does not...
You Are the Sea
In the treacherous frontier city of Samurai Town, a ruthless bank robber is sprung from jail by wealthy warlord The Governor, whose adopted...
Prisoners of the Ghostland
A con man and a would-be filmmaking crew force themselves into the lives of two grief-scarred young women. But nothing is as it seems.
The Forest of Love