This British documentary shows the complex layers of legendary jazz trumpeter Miles Davis, who was a major innovator in post-bop, cool jazz, hard-bop...
The Miles Davis Story
This 1985 performance at the Montreal Jazz Festival captures Miles at one of his peaks in popularity. Throughout his long career, Miles utilized the...
Miles Davis: Live from the Montreal Jazz Festival
An immersive look at the eventful life and brilliant artistic career of visionary American jazz trumpeter Miles Davis (1926-1991).
Miles Davis: Birth of the Cool
Miles Davis - The Definitive Miles Davis At Montreux - Evening July 14 TH 1985
Miles Davis: The Definitive Miles Davis At Montreux 1973-1991
Miles Davis - The Definitive Miles Davis At Montreux - July 14 TH 1985
In 1966 a landmark suite of orchestral jazz entitled “The Universe Compositions" was written for Miles Davis and set to be recorded by The...