Based on the philosophical fairy tale “Dandelion Boy and Three Keys” by Alexander Sharov about the meaning of life and about the boy to...
City at Dawn
Bolshevik Mravin, under the name of engineer Pyotr Ivanovich Lednev, risking his life, takes V.I. Lenin’s “Letter to the American...
Kremlin Courier
Kris Kelvin joins the space station orbiting the planet Solaris, only to find its two crew members plagued by "phantoms," creations of Solaris....
In this episode, “The Shining World” by Alexander Green and “The Kid” by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky were staged.
This Fantastic World 3
The events take place in Russia in 1917. A former peasant, and now a soldier, Ivan Shadrin, was sent by fellow soldiers from the German front to...
The Man with the Gun