The Four Brothers of Huan Nan is a charismatic gang known for its vibrant presence. Amid the bustle of Taipei's traditional food market, two of the...
The Time of Huan Nan
A woman who has owned a barbershop for over 40 years determines to embark on a long journey to cut the hair of an old customer who has moved away and...
Day Off
From Taiwan, a story of two young friends trying to figure out their relationship as one struggles with his sexual identity and the fear of coming...
Make a Wish
The story is set in a small southern town at the beginning of the century, where people believed that innocence and hope would lead to a better...
A cold, hard-nosed lawyer, Zhang, discovers that his past client, Tang, is involved in yet another case of sexual assault. Thirteen years ago, Zhang...
Fantasy · World
A-Ding couldn't let go her feelings for Chih-Yun. She ran to the gas station Chih-Yun worked at and tried to make up with her. But A-Ding's...
After finding a box of kittens above his unstable parents' apartment, teenager Kuo-Yen finds a terrifying way to cheat his exams.
Child of the Cat
Dark Wave
Three interrelated stories about life in New York City: A lonely interpreter; two young hip-hop dance enthusiasts; and a couple struggling to cope...
My Heavenly City
At a birthday party, a sex video is filmed without consent and Ren Li-cha is the girl in the video. The clip circulates among the students and Li-cha...
Girl's Revenge
U, a deliverbot, always feels herself a defective robot. So she goes often to the Chiropractor for spinal manipulation treatment, wanting to be...
U Loves You