Reeling from the news of an unexpected pregnancy, Jimmy and Everly unknowingly release an alien invasion in their small town and learn to work...
Alien Country
Colonel Robert Sikes is on a mission to rid his city of crime. As a stealthy, one-man assault team, he will take on street gangs, mobsters, and...
Code of Honor
A socially awkward band geek, Steven Turano, is planning on killing himself. However, when Clarence, the new quirky kid in school, befriends him,...
After the tragic death of her husband, a mother moves her teenage son and daughter to the idyllic town of Purity Falls only to find the rift with her...
Purity Falls
Trish's friends set her up on a blind-date, but when she forgets to adjust her clocks to compensate for Daylight Savings Time, she inadvertently...
An Hour Behind
Stewart and Everritt have been best friends since high school, they've also been vampire hunters. In fact vampire hunting is what their entire...
Vampires Are Real