The events take place inside an orphanage, around a young girl named Sukar, who lives with a large group of children. The orphanage is run by an...
Fadel and Naema are an innocent couple that run a food truck business. The events revolve around Fadel, as he goes through many comic situations...
Fadel and Neama
Years after escaping a dictated life, four estranged and offbeat sisters are forced to come together to find their suddenly-missing father. In their...
Daughters Of Abdulrahman
After her mother's death, Maya, an ordinary Egyptian girl, sets out to become a Superhero vigilante.
The Shadow of Cairo
Explores characters at life-defining moments regarding gender issues like period poverty, child marriage, HIV stigma, family planning, and women's...
In Bloom
Sequel to the 2023 musical: Sukkar
Sukkar 2