In a surreal meeting filled with countless individuals from a variety of backgrounds, nine people recount how sex and sexuality have been used to...
High school senior Casey finds herself seduced into the fast lifestyle of a call girl ring run by a campus police officer and must pull herself out...
Walking the Halls
A short film that explores domestic violence within a same sex relationship asking the ultimate question, 'How much does love have to hurt before it...
"How much does love have to hurt before it is not love?" is the question that plagues Antonio as the past demons of domestic violence resurface at...
After Jesus delivers His pivotal Sermon on the Mount, word continues to spread about His ministry, gaining more attention from His followers and...
The Chosen: Season 3 - Episodes 1 & 2
Angie and Zahra are BFFL's - Best Friends For Life. Even if life is happening during a zombie apocalypse.
Angie + Zahra
A talented young Brooklynite/Palestinian-American attempts to live out his dreams of becoming a French pastry chef despite his first-generation...
Breakfast at the Bodega
One guy wants to step out of the friendzone and be MADE into the ultimate ladies man.
Ladies' Man: A Made Movie
In 2012, Casey, a gay teen started a group devoted to the environment and changing the world. In this small Texas town, the haters came out strong...
After arguing with his girlfriend, Ali, Tyler lands in the arms of sexy new girl, Holly. The next morning, he finds that not only does Ali agree to...
You Get Me
An extreme sportsman's life forever changes upon departing his simple Texas roots to compete in the world's most prestigious Kiteboarding...
Send It!
17 year-old writer Zach struggles to survive in the 'dog eat dog' world of high school where he is tormented by bullies. There is no chance of...
The Symphony of Silence
May, a self help author with all the answers, suddenly finds herself stalked by a masked man who mysteriously reappears every night. Even when she...