After the loss of her husband, Maria Rodriguez begins to experience a sequence of dreams where it becomes difficult to differentiate between reality...
Powerful lawyer, Rainey Storms, inherits her family's law firm. When a senseless tragedy occurs, Rainey's faith in God is challenged, until she falls...
Rainey Storms
As his wedding day approaches, Ben heads to Miami with his soon-to-be brother-in-law James to bring down a drug dealer who's supplying the dealers of...
Ride Along 2
Imagine falling in love with someone but not being able to love yourself. Leanna was diagnosed with Alopecia at age 7 and by 9 years of age all of...
Beautifully Insecure
In the midst of a 3 year opioid epidemic, the unimaginable happens among three East Midtown friends. They all find themselves in a downward spiral as...
The Bridge: Full Circle