This work is an erotic drama depicting the trajectory of the main character who separated from the crowd in the midst of a battle for succession of...
Girl Bangaichi: Let Me Finish
This work is the second installment of the sequel to "Gal Bangaichi Shime Shimeshimasu" (2019), and is an erotic drama with elements of the SF...
Gal Bangaichi 2: Let Me Finish It Again
Then one day, her daily life suddenly changes. Unknown creatures fly out from a large number of spheres sent from outer space and begin to parasitize...
Smoking Aliens
Psychiatrist Junko's happy relationship with her surgon husband comes under threat when she starts hearing a mysterious voice. Junko's painful...
Hitozuma Mentalist: Junko Saotome
Convinced of the final outcome, a team of scientists travels back in time to stop the spread of a virus turning men into zombified rapists through...
Rape Zombie: Lust of the Dead 5
The zombies that arose after the nuclear outbreak are still high in numbers. The group of girls have lost some of their comrades and are fighting off...
Rape Zombie: Lust of the Dead 3
A strange virus turns 90% of the world population into Lust eating Zombies. However, in Akihabara, Japan, some males were found to be uninfected....
Rape Zombie: Lust of the Dead 2
Based on Shungicu Uchida's manga of the same name, which features themes of occultism and multiple personalities.
Saikin Chouchou wa...
Tamao Hatenashi is a 26 year old actor. Due to his unhinged imagination however, he gets an erection each time he acts, rendering him virtually...
Sex Detective Hatenashi
Released after 4 years in prison, a family captain is shocked by how drastically his organization and private life has changed, and he won't sit by.
Violent Archipelago