Suicide has long been used as a form of social protest in Japan. In this film, set in 1703, samurai culture is being transformed by the emergence of...
Double Suicide of Sonezaki
Masami and Kasamatsu are passionately seeking each other in an apartment in a corner of the downtown area along the Sumida River. They had an affair....
Danchizuma: Furin no Hate
A trading company employee's girlfriend loses her memory while on a trip. In place of the friend who was supposed to have accompanied her the whole...
Mystery of the Coral Seas
After watching her friend fall from a building a depressed high school girl runs away from home. When she is picked up by a nice guy on a phone date...
Hahako kankin: Mesu
Shinobu Himeno is arrested and thrown into Asahi Female Prison for being an unwilling accomplice in a jewelry store robbery. She’s to serve her...
Women in Heat Behind Bars
The story of an orphan girl, brought up in naive, rustic innocence by an elderly relative, who is suddenly exposed to the brutality, greed and...
Lullaby of the Earth