The comical adventures of two long-distance truck drivers, Momojiro and Kinzo, continue. Momojiro and Eizo help bring home the father of two young...
The Wild Trucker
Sensei no tsushinbo
The sixth film of the “Truck Yaro” series. Two long-distance truckers, Momojiro and Kinzo, travel around Japan in highly decorated...
I Am A Man of Honor
A mysterious thief called "Yami no Kiba" (Fang of Darkness), who sneaks into the residences of the shogunate one after another and steals the...
The Shogun's Vault II
Ichibei teams up with Chief Jindayo of the Goomune (Japan’s gypsies’) in order to steal the shogunate’s solid gold statue of Ieyasu...
Fangs of Darkness 2: Ieyasu's Head
Yokomizo, a police officer in the traffic police force, is looking forward to watching his son Kazuhiko grow up. However, Kazuhiko rebels against his...
Flame of Father and Son