Eitoku Academy is a high school that caters to rich, high-society families. Among the students who attend there are four young men who have the...
Boys Over Flowers
The War of the Roses (1455-1485), a turning point in the history of England, where the Lancasters and the House of York divided the domestic princes...
Prince of Roses -The Man Led by the Crown-
This is the story of a poet who lived at the time of the French Revolution. The poet's name was Andrea Chénier. He lived and died amongst...
The Poem of Love and Revolution ~Andrea Chénier~
A Fairy Tale -The Spirit of the Blue Rose- introduces us to Harvey Rockwood, a world-renowned botanist, who comes across bad weather and finds...
A Fairy Tale -The Spirit of the Blue Rose- / Charme!
Asumi Rio second dinner show
Asumi Rio Dinner show: Asumic Advance
Delight Holiday